Seizure first aid
This is a page to share with friends, family or colleagues so they know how to help if you have a seizure.
Fast facts
- Knowing what to do when someone has a seizure can help you feel prepared and less likely to panic when you see one
- When someone is having a seizure it’s important to stay with them until the seizure is over and they are fully recovered
- A tonic-clonic seizure is the seizure you are most likely to come across. We explain how to help below and link to the pages about helping with other seizures types
- For most seizures the person won’t need an ambulance – see when to call an ambulance below
When to call an ambulance
1You know it’s the persons first seizure OR
2The seizure continues for more than 5 minutes OR
3One seizure happens after another without recovering in between OR
4There is an injury needing urgent medical attention
First aid for tonic-clonic seizures
- Assess the situation – is there a risk of injury? Remove any nearby objects that could cause injury
- Cushion the head (with a jumper for example)
- Time the seizure. If the jerking last longer than 5 minutes call an ambulance
- To aid breathing put the person in the recovery position (on their side) once the jerking has stopped
- Stay with the them as they come round and until they have recovered
- Be calm and reassuring
- Restrain their movements
- Put anything in their mouth
- Try to move them unless they are in danger
- Give them anything to eat or drink until they are fully recovered
- Attempt to bring them round
To find out what happens and how to help for different seizure types see the seizure pages

More info
Share your story
Is there anyone in your life that helps you with your epilepsy? Has a stranger ever helped while you’ve had a seizure in public? Get in touch if you have a story to share. #SeizureSaviour
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