Fast facts
1The process of preparing and planning to move from children’s (paediatric) to adult health services is called transition
2There are many areas of transition in life, such as moving from education into work, or moving out of home. The transition from paediatric to adult services is another step towards being an adult
3There’s no fixed age for transition to start
4Usually by the age of 18 you will have transferred from paediatric to adult services
5If you’re diagnosed close to the age of 18 you might be seen by adult services straightaway
6The Ready Steady Go transition programme is used by some NHS Trusts. It is a programme that supports young people and their parents with transition
Ready Steady Go
Ready Steady Go is a programme to help you gain the knowledge and skills to manage your condition. It’s designed to help people with the transition process and learn what they can about managing their long-term health condition. It’s for young people with any long-term condition that are moving into adult care.
If your hospital doesn’t use the Ready Steady Go programme, it’s still possible to use the resources that are part of it for free. Looking at the questionnaires might help you with any questions you have about the transition process.
The programme was developed by Southampton Children’s hospital. Their website has more about Ready Steady Go, including the questionnaires to download.

Tops tips
- If you are 16 and transition hasn’t been talked about yet, add it to the list of questions to ask your epilepsy doctor or nurse
- If you don’t have an epilepsy specialist nurse, check if one is available in your area
- If you have always had someone with you at appointments, try having some time alone at your appointments
- Make a list of questions you have before your appointments
- Think about transition as a process of becoming more independent
- You are likely to meet new doctors and nurses and leave behind the people you have got to know. It’s natural to have concerns when things are changing. Talk about any worries that you have
Be kind to yourself, transition is a period of change. It involves getting used to a different service and learning about the skills you need to manage your epilepsy. It can take time to adjust.
Stories by you
Have you a story to share about your experience of transition? Get in touch

Do something
Moving away from a team of doctors and nurses that you have got to know can be unsettling. Hopefully, by getting involved in the transition process, you will feel more confident and happier about the move. Looking through this website is a good way to help yourself learn more about epilepsy.
What questions do you have about your epilepsy? Make a note of them.