What is wellbeing?

    Lots of things affect how we feel. Wellbeing can be thought of as how well you are mentally and physically, and how you feel about life. It includes your sense of happiness, enjoyment, purpose, meaning and fulfilment in life.

    Fast facts

    1. 1
      Your physical and mental health are connected
    2. 2
      Looking after your wellbeing can help you to have as few seizures as possible
    3. 3
      Smoking, drinking alcohol, too much caffeine and taking drugs can all make stress and anxiety worse
    4. 4
      What you eat and drink can affect how you feel
    5. 5
      If you are finding things difficult in your life, they may not all be because you have epilepsy
    Young man walking his dog

    Top tips


    • 5 ways to wellbeing

      A short animation on the 5 ways to wellbeing by Rochdale Borough Council

    • Ways to wellness

      More ideas on ways to wellness by Alberta Health Services, Canada.

    • Epilepsy and exercise

      Watch Annie Bean’s vlog about epilepsy and exercise

    Stories by you

    Do you have an experience about looking after your wellbeing that you’d like to share? Get in touch

    Young woman sitting in long grass

    Do something #1

    Over the next week, try one of the tips above.


    Being grateful has been shown to improve overall wellbeing. Thinking about the good things in your life or things you are thankful for creates positive feelings which contribute to an overall feeling of wellbeing.

    One simple way of doing this is to keep a gratitude journal. Towards the end of every day, think about things you are grateful for.

    The benefits of keeping a gratitude journal can be immediate, but the benefits increase if you do it regularly.


    Writing and pen: Today I am grateful for...

    Do something #2

    Think about 5 things you are grateful for in the past week. Jot them down in a notebook, on your phone or in a gratitude app. How did it make you feel? Why not try this for a week and see if it increases your feelings of wellbeing.

    More info

    The Epilepsy Action website has more information about wellbeing


    Epilepsy Action has an online course ‘Epilepsy and your wellbeing’

    Online course

    More information about the 5 ways to wellbeing and ideas for things you can do in only a minute from Mindkit


    There’s some great ideas for self-care on the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families website

    Anna Freud
    Updated 12 May 2020
    Review 12 May 2023
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