Men: hormones, sex and epilepsy
Fast facts
1Some types of epilepsy start during puberty (the time when your body changes from a child to an adult)
2It’s very rare to have a seizure triggered by sex
3Some epilepsy medicine can cause you to have less interest in sex
4Seizures, especially if they start in a part of the brain called the temporal lobe, can affect testosterone levels
5Testosterone is the male sex hormone. Some men with low testosterone levels have problems with their sex life, such as lack of interest in sex, problems with getting or keeping an erection, or reduced fertility
6Some epilepsy medicines can reduce levels of testosterone in the body

Top tips
- Look after your wellbeing. Being in good general health and feeling good about yourself can help with any sex, relationship or fertility concerns. More info about wellbeing
- If your situation is making you anxious or depressed find someone to talk to about sexual problems, such as Brook
- If you are more generally feeling depressed, talk to your GP about this. Getting help with depression could also help improve your interest in sex
Stories by you
Do you have an experience about sex and hormones that you’d like to share? It can be anonymous if you’d like. Get in touch

Do something
Do you have any concerns about sex or hormones? If so, why not write them down and talk to your epilepsy nurse or doctor about them at your next appointment.