Women: hormones, sex and epilepsy
Fast facts
- Epilepsy can change as your body changes when growing up and becoming an adult
- Some types of epilepsy start during puberty (the time when your body changes from a child to an adult)
- Once your periods have started it is possible to get pregnant. This is sometimes called child-bearing potential. Your doctors will warn you to avoid an unplanned pregnancy
- If you are of child-bearing potential your doctor should not prescribe you valproate medicines unless there is no alternative
- Changing hormone levels can trigger seizures
- It’s very rare to have a seizure triggered by sex
- Some epilepsy medicine can cause you to have less interest in sex
- Girls and women with epilepsy are more likely to have irregular periods
- Some women have more seizures around the time of their periods
- The contraception that will work for you depends on which epilepsy medicine you’re taking
- Some epilepsy medicines are more safe during pregnancy than others
- Some women with epilepsy may have reduced fertility

Top tips
If you’re thinking about having children it’s best to plan this well in advance. Ask your doctor or epilepsy nurse about pre-conception counselling
If you’re worried about sexual problems find someone to talk to (there's some suggestions below)
Keep a seizure diary
If you become pregnant, don’t stop taking your epilepsy medicine. Talk to your doctor or nurse as soon as possible
Stories by you
Do you have a story to share about sex, hormones or contraception? Get in touch
Do something
If you think there might be a link between seizures and your periods, keep a seizure diary. Can you spot any pattern between your menstrual cycle and seizures? If you spot a pattern, talk to your doctor.
Here are different ways you can keep a seizure diary...
Notes app on phone
Seizure tracker app
Order a paper diary from Epilepsy Action
Download a diary you can print from the Epilepsy Action website
Use a notebook